This is my first attempt at a portfolio website. A site where people can contact me for website design, development etc.
It has separate sections showcasing my abilities and the different projects that I have worked on.
A mock mobile site for users to come over and book bikes for rent
Bikes are categorised under various headers and top bikes are shown as a infinitely looped carousel
A mock website to showcase services provided by a Air conditioning service provider
Built with both tailwind and styled-components provinding a complete control over the design system
A site built to have a quick glance at the Covid 19 vaccine slots making use of the Indian government's public COWIN apis. I built this initially only for my family and myself when searching via the Aarogyasetu app was a bit time consuming
But then I ended up spending a bit more time to make any location/ hospital conducting vaccine drives searchable.
A mock site to showcase a website that helps organise treks and tours showcasing the different packages etc.